Sunday, July 1, 2012

China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case

China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case

China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:53 PM PDT

Apple has agreed to pay a Chinese company $60 million to settle a dispute over ownership of the iPad name, a court announced Monday, removing a potential obstacle to sales of the popular tablet computer in the key Chinese market.

8 Top Comments on Mashable This Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 03:32 PM PDT

8 Top Comments on Mashable This WeekThis week, our Mashable readers told haters of Oreo's new campaign to stuff it, gawked (and geeked-out) over the Google I/O keynote and fretted about Facebook's privacy terms—again. Clearly, there was much for our Mashable audience to discuss this week.

Chrome tops iOS Apps of the Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

This week's top iOS apps has a few entries from some heavy hitters, as Apple and Google have come out swinging with some interesting offerings. While Google brings a version of Chrome to iOS along with its Google Drive app, Apple counters with a dedicated Podcasts app. Other featured apps this week include a music editing app and an app for fans of history.

Apple settles China iPad trademark dispute for $60 million

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:59 PM PDT

A man looks at his iPad while sitting in a cafe in central BeijingSHANGHAI (Reuters) - Apple Inc has paid $60 million to Proview Technology (Shenzhen) to end a dispute over the iPad trademark in China that saw the world's most valuable technology company engaged in a protracted legal tussle with a near-bankrupt Chinese firm. The announcement of the court-mediated settlement was made on the web site of the Higher People's Court of Guangdong province. (!content. ...

China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:53 PM PDT

Apple has agreed to pay a Chinese company $60 million to settle a dispute over ownership of the iPad name, a court announced Monday, removing a potential obstacle to sales of the popular tablet computer in the key Chinese market.

China court: Apple to pay $60M to settle iPad case

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:22 PM PDT

A Chinese court says Apple has agreed to pay a local company $60 million to settle a dispute over ownership of the iPad name.

How We'll Really Use Google Glass [SUNDAY COMICS]

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 03:50 PM PDT

How We'll Really Use Google Glass [SUNDAY COMICS]It's fun to imagine what life would be like with over our eyes: How differently our environments would appear when perpetually augmented by a digital overlay, how seamlessly we would be able to receive, modify and transmit information without pulling out our smartphones.

8 Top Comments on Mashable This Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 03:32 PM PDT

8 Top Comments on Mashable This WeekThis week, our Mashable readers told haters of Oreo's new campaign to stuff it, gawked (and geeked-out) over the Google I/O keynote and fretted about Facebook's privacy terms—again. Clearly, there was much for our Mashable audience to discuss this week.

Top 10 Tech This Week [PICS]

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 02:44 PM PDT

Top 10 Tech This Week [PICS]1. Westinghouse 4K TV

Top 10 Twitter Pics This Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 02:04 PM PDT

Top 10 Twitter Pics This Week1. An Extraordinary Rubik's Cube Portrait

Remembering Nora Ephron: 5 Classic Movie Moments

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 01:05 PM PDT

"I'll have what she's having," When Harry Met Sally...

8 Reasons Why Summer Is a Great Time to Job Hunt

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 12:25 PM PDT

8 Reasons Why Summer Is a Great Time to Job HuntPatty Coffey is a Partner in the Information Technology Permanent division at at , the largest and one of the most recognized staffing organizations in the Northeast. Find out more on the blog or follow on Twitter.

Investors warm to Facebook after IPO flop

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 11:22 AM PDT

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is seen on a screen getting ready to ring the NASDAQ stock exchange opening bellAfter a dire stock market debut, Facebook has clawed back a large chunk of its losses as investors look past the flubbed initial public offering and gradually warm to the leading social network.

Silicon Valley Investor's TV Special Looks for Next Mark Zuckerberg

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 11:13 AM PDT

Tech investor is looking for 20 of the biggest innovators in Silicon Valley under the age of 20, offering $100,000 to contestants so they can further develop their projects.

Hilarious 'YouTube Complaints' Video Stars Internet Celebrities

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 10:45 AM PDT

What happens when you create a video that features some of the most popular viral characters to ever hit the web? It goes viral, of course.

25 Tumblrs to Make You LOL

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 10:28 AM PDT

25 Tumblrs to Make You LOLAdding . or has become a popular photo trend.But this site takes it a step further by placing animated eyeballs on celebrities.

The Amazing Spider-Man tops Android Games of the Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

This week brings us blockbuster movie games, some smaller scale indie titles, and even the continued revival of a very old blue hedgehog. Topping the list is Gameloft's The Amazing Spider-Man, an action adventure title tied-in with the new movie. We've also got an interesting space combat game, a new side-scrolling RPG from Gamevil, another iOS port from Noodlecake Studios, and the latest episode from Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Time is a-wasting. Here are this week's top Android games.

'Leap Second Bug' Causes Glitches for LinkedIn, Reddit and More Sites

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 09:23 AM PDT

'Leap Second Bug' Causes Glitches for LinkedIn, Reddit and More SitesAfter an extra second was added to the clock on Saturday to better align it with the Earth's rotation schedule, a whole slew of websites from LinkedIn, Foursquare and Reddit to Mozlila, Yelp and Gawker sites experienced technical issues.

13 Questions to Ask During Your Next Interview

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:45 AM PDT

13 Questions to Ask During Your Next Interviewis Senior Vice President at , a leading career management and transition services consulting firm in Boston. Mattson specializes in helping mid-to-senior level individuals in new career exploration, networking strategies and career decisions based on corporate culture fit.

Cory Booker, Internet's Favorite Mayor, Creates #waywire Media Site for Teens

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 08:19 AM PDT

, the socially savvy mayor of Newark, N.J., who's used to help residents burrow out of foot-deep snow and who's other heroics have spawned the "Super Mayor" meme, is co-founding a media startup aimed at the millennial generation called #waywire.

Photobooth Proposal Becomes Adorable YouTube Video

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 07:47 AM PDT

An adorable photobooth proposal between a couple received an additional unexpected surprise -- the photobooth owner posted it on .

Apple Bids Farewell to Paid Cloud Service MobileMe

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 07:17 AM PDT

Apple Bids Farewell to Paid Cloud Service MobileMeretired on Sunday its paid cloud service , following a several year process led by former CEO Steve Jobs to pack up the product for good.

Are Western Forests Doomed to Burn Away?

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Climate change may not only unleash fiercer wildfires but also ultimately replace Western forestland with grasslands. David Biello reports

Top 10 Pinterest Pins This Week

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 06:49 AM PDT

Top 10 Pinterest Pins This Week1. A Surreal Underwater Bedroom in the Maldives

Overly Attached Girlfriend Returns With Medley of Stalker Songs

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 06:10 AM PDT

She's back! The face of the meme has resurfaced with a lip-dubbed medley of popular songs that have lyrics sometimes deemed creepy.

Turn Any TV Into a Smart One with This Awesome Gadget

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 05:29 AM PDT

Turn Any TV Into a Smart One with This Awesome GadgetWish you could turn any TV into a smart one? A new gadget called the Pocket TV will convert your television into a giant Android tablet.

Italian regulator threatens Apple with new fines: source

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 05:25 AM PDT

People wait on street in front of Apple store as they await sales of new iPad in Apple store in MunichMILAN (Reuters) - Italy's competition regulator is threatening Apple Inc with further fines of up to 300,000 euros ($381,000) if it does not offer local customers a free two-year warranty as demanded by Italian law, a source close to the watchdog said on Sunday. In Italy consumers who buy electronic products and other durable goods have the right to get two years of free assistance, irrespective of other warranties offered by a manufacturer. ...

Happy Birthday Walkman: 10 Cassette Cases for Your iPhone

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 04:02 AM PDT

Happy Birthday Walkman: 10 Cassette Cases for Your iPhoneThis cool range comes in bright colors and can be adorned with spikes or studs, if you're going for the punk look. Cost: $12.22

With Nexus 7, Google Finally Gets Android Tablets Right [REVIEW]

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 03:35 AM PDT

With Nexus 7, Google Finally Gets Android Tablets Right [REVIEW]Google Nexus 7

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